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Sunday, January 28, 2007

The price of wanting to feel "Normal"

I dealt with things on my own for years. All the punishment I am getting for merely wanting to take care of things with out turning into a blithering idiot. I am pissed. Do you know, if I believed in religion this would be a "YOU should only trust the Lord, moment."
Everything pisses me off at this moment.
Withdrawals, flu, started my period, moving, school, Steven, N O I S E S in my head are going to drive me over the edge.
I shall prevail, DAMMIT.


Kimmie said...

You're making me very glad that I didn't take Paxil for very long. My sister just went off her meds (not sure which one) and it sounds like she had trouble. Nothing like your's apparently.


Dusky Dawn said...

Fanks kiddo. Paxil is pretty wonderful for most people with anxiety. It is only awful when you try to get off of it.

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