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Monday, February 14, 2005
Ahhh me like.
News of the day, I deleted my website of five years.
I was sick of it, sick of how the pictures wouldn't lay how I wanted them to, sick of all the old news, old stories, memories.
Not so interesting news of the day, 75 percent of the employees at the daycare hate me, 98 percent of the children like me.
More un-interesting news of the decade, Duck takes longer to cook then you would think.
Cambells soup tastes pretty good when you tired of waiting for duck.
My most favorite job of all is being mother.
THERE is much to be thankful for.. once again, Thank you Heavenly Father for my freedom. Thank you for YOUR wisdom. Thank you that you are in charge of things instead of me.
Many thanks for the catch and release system of dating. SUCKERS!!!
Especially oh Lord! thank you for the noisy boy up in his bed, that isn't asleep yet.
Thank you for allowing me to see my Oldest daughter and her two little girls all laying on the floor together reading books, while their mommy was studying for school. It was a precious picture, I will keep with me.
Thank you for the rose, that my son in law thoughtfully picked out for me. It's a lovely shade of pink.
Thank you for the gift of discernment, help me to use it wisely.

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