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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

EWWW me in Scrubs again it ain't pretty.
I got a job, naaah na na na naaaaa I gotta job... (insert musical notes here)
So I am not just a waste of ass hair. Andy be damned. Even if he doesn't pay rent, I will be caught up by January. SOOO I see the light at the end of the tunnel, Finally.
NOW what to do about Daine, I only get Tuesday mornings and Saturday off. He doesn't cook. How can I Get him to Karate Twice a week?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Tarot Card
(Equivalent of "5/21/1957")
The High Priestess: A pure, exalted and gracious influence. Education, knowledge, wisdom, and esoteric teachings. The forces of nature. Intuition, foresight, and spiritual revelation of the most mysterious and arcane sort.

(Equivalent of "Glena Jean Dusky")
Ken is the rune of light and knowledge, driving away darkness and ignorance and revealing hidden truth. This rune also brings forth images of friendship and comfort. Ken is the light of inspiration, the light of imagination, and a beacon in the darkest hours.

Public Role
(Equivalents of "Glena")
Words that embody your presence are "Angel, Art, Candle, Greed, Mate, Pagan, Rat, Sable".

Words that embody the people or things that you interact with are "Crucifix, Harvest, Outside, Passion, Saturn, Tolerance".

Words that embody things that you may be a part of are "Freemasonry".

Words that embody people or things in your periphery are "Astronaut, Butterfly, Electricity, Enthusiasm, Transformation".

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