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Friday, June 03, 2005

OH! Don't be stupid

Today I feel bad, it's because I know that life is too short to remain in a uncomfortable place for hours on end... Like my marriage.
I stuck it out for 18 years, and now I am less likely to endure things.

IF I could, I would give Jackson's two week's notice right now.

If I could, I would move out of this apartment that I cannot afford and turn everything off.

If I could, I would get caught up on my bills and breathe a sigh of relief.

Theme day at work, I call them that when the same thing happens over and over.
Several customers were asking me for food, cigarettes and money.
I don't get it.
I finally told one older gentleman, "I have obligations to take care of my children, if I had any left over I would buy you a beer,
but I think buying my children food is a HELL of a lot more important then buying you a beer.
He said, " I WILL NEVER ASK YOU AGAIN!" and I answered, " That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


No rap music today, instead I hear a giant explosion, did my neighbor "the crack whore" blow up his meth lab?
I do not know. I supose I would know if he had, since I am so lucky to share bedroom walls with him.

I have to work Graveyard tonight, I am sad.
Christie got sick, so I am the chosen one.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Home of the 3D Internet, Virtual Reality and Community Chat

Home of the 3D Internet, Virtual Reality and Community Chat

two hours of sleep in two days, and the neighbor thought I wanted to enjoy his taste in obscene rap music, so loud it shook my bed...
I would like to pull his tongue out and wrap it around his ugly head.
However, I called Boise's finest instead, and they sent a nice officer out to tell him to shut it off
I am sure, being the wise man that the officer was, he probably pointed out my apt window to the Mexican Mafia
and the Labrador went back to bed so she is no help at all.
The officer in question left a terse message on my cell phone, assuming that because I didn't answer him, I was not interested in
filing a complaint against the Evil Rap Perpetrator.
I thought Officers weren't supposed to assume things?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

If I could ask for Magic on his Birthday

I took Daine's presents over to Janelle's apt. He was thrilled, he is so easy
to please.

When I got home, preparing for my sleep of the day, his butterflys were coming out of their chrysalids. I called
his sister and she told him. I don't think his feet touched the ground all the way home. He
ran over here. We made sugar water for them, and he carried
them back to share with his Nieces, Kayla (5) and Olivia (3)
I am glad they hatched on his birthday, NOW I get to go sleep,
while they play.

I ordered him the catapillars two weeks before his birthday, so I kinda
thought they might pop out of their chrysalids today, I couldn't have planned
it better.

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