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Friday, February 18, 2011

Don't leave home without me

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 We love to hate them. I need to eat therefore I work. The air surrounds me with hostility. The rumors fly, the dirty looks are generated toward me. I continued to project helpfulness and humor, I hoped the problem would go away. I thought maybe I should hunt down the rumor makers and give them something to think about?? That wasn't all, some of the tech trainers were gunning for me too. Co-workers and Bosses disliking me... Makes me feel paranoid.
I got a note in my box about being positive, not confronting people at work, and being your own P.R. agent. I took that advice to heart, it was good advice. Work is not life, you cannot apply the rules of life to people above you in the work place. I wanted to say on several occasions, "Don't talk to me like that? What is the matter with you? I am trying to do everything you ask." Instead I said, "Yes thank you for that information, I will continue to try hard."
Blah blah, I follow the rules, I behave myself, and I am still treated like a child, hunted down, observed several times a week, then there are the teenagers that gossip. WHY hire teenage girls? They have turned this company into a high school popularity contest, and they get rewarded for their tattling. SICK to death of this bullshit. The bad get raises, the good either get reprimanded or fired. I have not been fired, but only because several parents of the children I work with believe in me. Because of their belief, i still have a job. But only just.

I talked to the good Dr. about this situation. There are several trainers who pick pick pick, and who publicly humiliate or drag down the techs. They do this in front of the children, other techs, and the parents of the children. Do I have to say? This is very unprofessional. It happened to me this summer. The child's relatives were present twice when (R) chased me down and started browbeating me. The company I work for was called, and (R) was told to leave me alone. I never said anything or did anything, but I feel a cold draft on my neck when (R) walks in a room that I am occupying. She doesn't strike me as the type to give up her quest to conquer evil (ME) so easily, but perhaps she has bigger and better plans for dealing with me, the insubordinate employee. In the words of Sarah to the Goblin King, "YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME!"
Shame on me for quoting Labyrinth.. yet again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Low self esteem and the damage it does

It's a life time problem. You put up with more crap then anyone else, you wonder where your boundaries are, you wonder when you are supposed to tell people to stop! You read self help books, you go to seminars, you know you are a good person, but ...still you think you have issues. People you know complain to you, "YOU Just need to work on your self esteem." You know that, and you know more then anyone else what a good person you are and that you take too much shit. You just don't know how to change yourself. You have grown over the years, you have come to respect and appreciate yourself.
At work you are the scapegoat. You project helpful friendliness, you trust people before they have proven themselves, you get burned again and again. You consider being a hermit and telling the world to go screw itself.
You work on saying "No" and meaning it, you wonder why it seems so hard.
My suggestion, don't do anything for anyone that they wouldn't do for you, and rule of thumb, look into the mirror and practice the word No with no explanation, the more you explain the more you get talked into.

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