TH is out of town, but no one bothered to call me, I called the school before I headed out for our work together. I needed a break from that wild flower anyway. Next is AK autism kid. Wednesday she said in a voice straight out of the exorcist, "I HATE YOU" I said in the same voice back, "TOO BAD YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME"
This made AK laugh out loud. I sure do like that kid, but the ignoring she does of me is very trying. Wednesday I told her it was time to go, she ignored me, so I picked her up and stuck her under my arm, I said, "Look at this, I have an A----- under my arm." she thought that was uproariously funny too.
Fridays we go to the center for an hour. I dislike (HATE) the center, it's total chaos, kids running screaming pitching fits, crowded, no place to sit down and do our goals. Plus there is the added terror of running into the smug bitch. I would skip it all together and do our goals at the library, but they are still on Glena watch.
Wednesday, AK and I were at Freddies playing with a jack-in-the-box. She had her face very close, and I was standing right behind her. I said, "watch your nose." and at that moment my trainer was standing behind me talking to me. GAWD I hate being spied on, its freaking rude. It's like they are trying to catch me doing something wrong, and I am very tired of it. Lucky for me, I was where I was supposed to be when I was supposed to be. BUT... they can bite my rosy behind. I am sick to death of them, when they have other employees they really should be watching, they follow me. I think they should call and let me know they are coming instead of the sneaking thing. I want to quit. JERKS!
They pay me very little for all the crap I have to put up with.
I had a cancellation yesterday, so Fb called me and gave me a substitute position. It was in Caldwell. My GPS did the oddest thing, it kept directing me back to Boise and telling me it was west. It has never done this before, and it kept taking me to an address and saying I had arrived, but it wasn't the same street or anything. Janelle said hers tried to kill her the other day, insisting she turn into the lake, over and over it re-directed her to turn into the lake. Interesting.
I rely on that stupid GPS, that even though I knew it was taking me the wrong way, I kept giving it the benefit of the doubt, hoping it was taking some odd round about short cut. It wasn't. The fool thing is probably evil, and was laughing its little electronic ass off.
I finally made it to Caldwell, and picked up the three year old boy I had never met before. I did not take him to the center. When I am substituting, I hate taking someone there that I do not know, under the watchful eye of fearless leader and smug bitch. The little guy was so sweet, and so well behaved for me, that I broke a rule and bought him a match box truck (1 dollar) his little face lit up, he said, "For me? Mine?" I said yes, that one is yours. AND I am not sorry either, neener neeener neener.