When I write I wonder if I am connected, if what I am thinking makes sense to anyone else.
I am off my A D D medicine, ha ha. So I will be second guessing myself, wondering if I can do this.. eventually it will be what it is. Me in my jumbled brain trying to make sense of it and liking it better this way.
I want to be Glena, for all my faults, I am really not such a bad egg. For all my faults my heart and integrity are in the right place and always have been. I never understood why people think we need a big god standing over us with a stick in order for us to behave. The great philosopher,Jeremy Bentham (1748- 1832) believed man was inherently corrupt. There were other philosophers that believed man was basically good. David Hume, (1711- 1776) had an interesting argument about God. If god is omnipotent, he has the power to prevent evil.If he doesn't exercise his power to prevent evil,if his goodness cannot,then he cannot be omnipotent. Belief belief belief. That's what it comes down to once again. I do not believe that man is mostly evil, most have a willingness to please at an early age. Would this be based on a personality that was evil? Evil would seek to charm, but hide the true nature of the reasoning. True evil is usually not transparent. Willingness to do good is.