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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Randomisms again

It's Saturday night. I am too tired and broke to do anything... surprise all the prince charmings who wanted to ask me out haven't come up with anything imaginative.
I have decided that I am not dating any of the yahoos. I don't want to go to some one's house and sit on my ass and avoid seduction. I am tired of being on the menu.
What I want is to go OUT dammit, see things do things, not be DONE

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Randomisms from an Attention deficient

I survived the night, I paid the rent, I borrowed money, AND I got stuck with the bail bond, Thank you Su Ling Garcia. Thank you for not making an effort, thank you for being a putz and a loser, and re-newing my vow not to help people anymore.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I can't sleep and I am tired. I have to work midnight tonight to 8 A M tomorrow.
All I want to do is play, and quit worrying about money for a change.
I still have to come up with twenty bucks for the rent, not a large amount, but I don't have it. HOWEVER I rejoice, my paychecks have looked better lately.
I am making a chicken thing. I marinated the chicken in a cup of mayonaise, quarter cup of soy sause,two tablespoons worchestershire, 2 tablespoons of chili sause,ground fresh ginger and garlic.
After I soaked the chicken breasts in that for an hour, I put them in the oven at 350 degrees, I will see what happens next. They smell really good.
Add some baked potatoes and fresh salad, (As opposed to stale salad) and we got dinner. I am still tired, I need to take a walk with the annoying cocker spaniel and equally annoying boy.
Steven has decreed that I need a walk around the park every day.
He is right, I feel better when I get out.
Still having a period, this has lasted since February. I should have went to the Dr. earlier, but I thought it was just the change and it would ease up. It hasn't.
So I see Dr. Keif on Monday, she with the personality of a rock. I really cannot stand that woman, but I think she is a good Dr. and will find out what's going on with me.

Monday, July 30, 2007

They make me feel good

The yellow ones smell like honey,the orange ones smell like skunk!

Time is a runaway

AAAAAH the sodden wet blanket of depression. One has a weasel and the other has a flag. SHIT! I feel so disjointed, I have been fighting it for days, I am ready to let it roll over me, taking no prisoners.
I really need to get out some. I really need a darling man to pay attention to me, I need that child to be less up my butt. Stupid DOG stupid CAT, gold fish are even needy.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

where to begin

It's not august yet, and I am thinking of my favorite month October. I can still wear my Reef Flip Flops, but my toes get cold in the morning. I can dress in orange and proudly display my halloween collection (WHICH if anyone noticed is up all year around!) Autumn is that magical time of year I love so much, but I am still stuck in July, with 103 degree days.There is only a light cooling off at night.
It's so hot it almost hurts to breathe, the air is dry and my hair crackles with electricity. My skin itches, my eyes fog. Don't get me wrong I love summer, but Autumn is my favorite, only I miss the flowers growing on the porch then.
Right now, I have Moon flowers winding there way up my fence on my tiny little patio.

Ipomoea alba, otherwise known as Moonflowers are so called because they bloom in the evening. They have large 4 to 6 inch fragrant, white or pink flowers on twining vines. The flowers open quickly in the evening and last through the night, remaining open until touched by the morning Sun.

Moonflowers grow to a height of about 15 feet. The leaves are rather large which allows the plant to be used as an annual in a northern garden. Propagation is usually by seed. The seed should be nicked with a file and then soaked overnight before planting. Moonflowers should be planted when the Moon is new or increasing in light!

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