Seaweed Soup on sparkpeople.com
I started entering recipe's on Spark
Most are recipe's that I have devolped myself.
*Developed* snicker, I sound so snobby!
I added the sea weed soup recipe' this morning. Daine and I cooked it last night. I was in the mood for comfort, things seem a bit hard lately, and I am keeping my chin up, but at times I feel like saying, "Dammital" and giving up.
1)The knight in shining armor had feet of clay, I Really liked just about everything about him, but when he stood me up twice, I got the hint. I never pursue sprinting men, they outrun me.
2)I think I was rushing things because of Andy leaving me, I would like to be in a real relationship, not one like I had with Andy, but a real adult type thing. Do they exist?
3)Zap boy just wants to seduce me in his hot tub and leave my boy home. I told him last night, that I just don't sleep with strangers, and I don't like leaving my son home alone while I go frolicking. DON'T men get it? the way to a woman's heart is through her children.
I don't want to be taken out on a lavish date while my son sits at home eating peanut butter on crackers. I can't enjoy myself. My children are too important to me, and they always will be.