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Saturday, January 03, 2009


This is the last day off forever. I will begin working every day, and drive to Boise three days a week. and wish for something else. I heard something new, there is such a thing called Tax Credit Apartments, they go by your income.
Someone said, you probably will pay 260.00 a month. WHAT? I said, I cannot even begin to pay the 588.00 I am trying to pay now. I am three months behind, and my college money will go to catching up, then what? My income isn't going to cover rent even working seven days a week.Because I don't average 8 hours a day, but I must take what I get and suck it up and quit grousing about it. HUH? I need to be THANKFUL.
Grateful, some people don't even have work coming in, and while I was in the office yesterday, there were several calls for people looking for work. The office manager said, Twenty a day, and they are not hiring. OTAY< Glena needs an attitude adjustment.
EVEN So.. Grumpy says, what about an 8 hour job we like? WHAT ABOUT THAT????

Friday, January 02, 2009


I love my sister Anna. She is from Alabama. She has written a cook book called "Soy of the South" I have included a link to her web page.
Wish her luck, and check out her web page.

It is 2009

It is the new year, I cannot stop time no matter how I beg and plead. Once I was a twenty year old trying my best to fit into the scheme of things, now I am a fifty something still trying to do the same thing.
Someone said the more things change the more they stay the same.
People come and go into my life, I try to make sense of things, but as always, I take the good, leave the rest and know that whatever happens, I am most happiest with myself. I am alone, and it is good.
Sigh it is good, to be an excellent cook, and still sing in a loud clear voice. A voice flawed by time, but still good remotely.
Eyes are still big and green, hands are showing signs of age, knees.. don't even get me started, my knees ache. My mind is cluttered with what should be, and what isn't. I will work on mind clutter for my new year resolution. I will try my best to be honest with others, but mostly I must strive to be honest with myself.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Official Grades
COMM 101 Fund of Speech (B)
COUNSELING 294 Workshop (A+)
COUNSELING 494 Workshop (B)
SOCIOLOGY 230 Multi-Ethnic Studies (B-)

I am not going to mention Pre-Algebra.... vile

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dancing in the shadow of the dark

I am confused. For one never allowed in your life, or in your home, has no rights to you, then you have no reason to expect me to wait by the phone? as I have.
and you ended the conversation without saying anything that I could understand. Do you want to move on? You must do what you think is right, as I always try to do as well.
Then why do I feel like I have missed something very important?
Just so you know, I am trying as best I can, and I never meant you any harm, but I will accept what verdict you come up with.
I was sure it couldn't go on for long anyway.I do not lie, but you do not trust me.
Too many things are always left un-said, and I do not like the dark.
One who is night blind must always travel in the light.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


you know, I am feeling a little down right now. Then "Jammin" by Bob Marley comes on. No matter how yucky I am feeling this song always brings a smile to my face. I don't know what it is, but the sound of Jammin, makes me think of people dancing around in their jammies, and I feel better. I have a pair of Gawd Awful ugly pink flannel jammies with kittys on them. I would wear them to work if I could get away with it. I'm Jammin!


Hard to read, swept away by conflicting emotions, it's a possibility that I am wrong. Again.
I don't want this, can I have a user manual, or a rule book something? Please.
I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do. If I tell all the truth, do I lose eveything? If I lie, how do I feel? I know... bad. I don't lie easily. if even at all. It is easier to be alone. It is easier to close up my feelings and not worry about anyone anymore.

Phook Yooo

It is Sunday. I called walmart to see if they have any recipe card files. I am going to copy all my favorite recipes down for my Chelsie girl. I did it for Janelle a few years ago, and I don't even know if she uses them, but Chelsie has asked for a few recipes lately, like how to make rice, and my coffee cake etc..
walmart put me on hold. I held... I was listening to Phish, so I held longer... finally after twenty minutes I was pretty sure no one was getting back to me. So I called again, I asked the same question, I mentioned that I had been on hold a long time waiting to find out if they had recipe card files. She said, "ok, I will put you on hold..." Still listening to Phish... still holding,I gave them ten minutes this time. I called Walgreen's. The answering machine gave me two choices, cosmetics, or Photo's. I picked photos... the gentleman that answered was very nice. He put the phone down and ran down the aisles to look for Recipe card files. He came back in five minutes, he said they didn't carry them. I was just thankful that someone tried.
On to K-mart. K-mart is having a huge sale, they are busy, but still they have people in there running cash registers and helping customers. I found what I wanted in a few minutes, I went directly up to the check out and was out of the store in 15 minutes. Amazing. It would have been an hour at the dreaded walmart. Walmart REALLY does suck.
Renews my policy to never never shop at WALMART.
they might do an IQ check on some of their customer service representatives... oh they might have to fire the whole staff.

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