I never had so much trouble trying to rent a place before, this is ridiculous.
The word now is, "Our new company in California is inundated with all the many applications." Bet you wished you had kept the old company now don't you? Their problems fast become my problems, and so I wait. They have missed out on a whole months rent due to the incompetence. February is coming fast, and I would have liked to be moved before I was full face into school work. I have something every day of the week, from School to work, and kids and back again. I am hoping that I get a little "ME" time or I may get resentful. At least I can do most of my studying on the weekends at the Motive Power site, because that job is mostly sitting on my behind and watching.
The upside is, how thankful I will be when I am moved in to my new apartment.