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Thursday, May 11, 2006


NO Prince Charming

I went to funny bones with Pat and Ray and Melissa last night. I decided it's the last time I go anywhere with Pat. He is a nice person, but he is on a mission to save the world, and because of that he doesn't have time for his friends. He also makes everything a big ordeal. Nothing is ever simple and he is almost always late. Lately I can barely stand to talk to him. He called me up yesterday and started going on and on about all the things he was doing, and he called me just before he had to be somewhere else and was in a hurry to hang up, so I told him to please slow down, and tell me when he was picking me up for the show on Wednesday. I wish now I had said that I didn't want to go. Last minute preparations make me nervous and are annoying.
He also invited my daughter and son in law, the day before the show. Their baby is just over a week old. I tried to explain about how you cannot leave a breast fed baby, and he just kept ignoring me and talking over the top of me like he knew all about it. I wonder how many white trash cows he has dated that know anything about nursing anyway? I should know by now to keep my mouth shut, because he talks to hear his head rattle anyway. If you hear anything on the news about a fat old broad stuffing a skinny ex hippie into a trash can, its probably me... would you bail me out of jail?
AND soooo after the bitch session on
You know who... he called to say, change of plans... yet again. I knew there was a problem when he first said, he would be by between five thirty or six fifteen, BUT for Heavens sake!! He has another meeting to go to first before the comedy club. I don't even want to go, I should have said " I can make it a lot easier for you, one less thing to do, I will stay home."

I swear to all the forces of evil, I SHALL never put myself in this position again, its like freakin dating an alcoholic. OH yeah he is one drink away from a relapse. many AA affiliates are no different then the drinking variety.

OK< I am back to my usual nice self.. Smile Wink....
SO, he was an hour late, he managed to get here after seven. He was on his cell phone to some woman. He stayed on his cell for twenty minutes, at which time he got another call from a different woman... then a guy then another woman.
I really decided this is the last time I go anywhere with him.
I felt bitchy the whole evening, I loved seeing Ray, and his wife Melissa is a sweet heart.
The comedy show was good, I laughed my behind off through most of it.
Pat hogged most of the conversation with information about different people he is helping. I have a definite opinion about it, but I bit my lip. I just don't think he is qualified to be helping people. He cannot fix his own life.
I felt unimportant the whole evening as he talked to everyone else. While I sat silent.
HE doesn't get the whole picture.
I have never been out with anyone that talked on their cell phone most of the evening. I told him it would be nice if he shut it off, he said he couldn't, it was his job to be available. I think... NOT.
That's it for me, I am not going with him anywhere ever again, I don't like being made to feel like I am third best, or of no importance at all. It's not like I want the lime light or all the attention either but he actually put his back to me during the comedy show so he could talk to another table. Common courtesy, and politeness is universal.
I always think if people cannot treat me with the same respect that I treat them, they are not worth my time. I don't intend to go out with people who make me feel like I should not be there. HE invited me.
Later we went for chinese food with his friends, Dave and Crystle. Both of which I liked very much. Dave hinted that he keeps close tabs on Pat. I hinted that someone needed to do it, because I sure as hell wasn't up for the job. GAWD I gave a bad immpression, I never felt so bitchy before.
NEVER AGAIN>>> repeat after me, NEVER!!

Monday, May 08, 2006


Today on the agenda is the Psych 120 Finale it is at 1:00 PM, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I was thinking about worm sanctuaries during the storm... dead worms all over the sidewalk, something should be done, I mean REALLY!!
Tomorrow I don't have any pressing business, I think I will vacuum up pet hair in my dungeon. Maybe suck up the cat as well.
He deserves it, I won't let him run free outside, so he had a temper tantrum and tipped over my garbage can and spread paper all over my room. Stupid Cat.
I have been walking my legs off all morning and now I need a nap. I sold my books. GEEEZ, I am not ungrateful. I got 92 dollars for 400 dollars worth of stupid books, YAY! (sarcasm) I expect as much, because some instructors are not teaching any more... Joan's book fetched 20 bucks. OH and they wouldn't buy the stupid psych 120 book back,the cashier said, "it's worth nothing" HOW APROPOS I thought. The class was a waste of ass hair.
Someone thought Psych majors should have Psych 120. this will be going into my book of "Don't Do's" I could be home napping you know... or eating, two of my favorite past times.
I should be wearing the Green NO FEAR sweatshirt, its one of those kind of days. But the sun is still shining, and the walk was breezy and beautiful, and the air smelled of spring and leaving. AHH But we know we cannot leave we have to stay, damned promises anyway.
I am killing some time. I have Nothing to do until I take the final, I took the kids to school and day care respectably. Olivia hanging onto my arm and screaming, "Don't leave me Gramma." She doesn't like me much anyway, its just that I am the less of the two evils.
Kayla doesn't like me at all. Daine adores me. He is the only one with common sense in that crew. I told my daughter, having kids doesn't necessarily mean you will like them, I was lucky, I liked all my kids.
All the power is off in the Educational Building and Multi Purpose. I was going to work on a computer in the multi, but to no avail. I think the porta potty boys severed a line.. I betcha! they look pretty proud of themselves outside suspended up in the air. They moved the porta potty to the ground, so now they must bungee jump off the building if they have to go.
I hope you have a lovely day. I am off to find a nap place.

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