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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Crap its november already

Time just keeps marching on doesn't it?
Well Dr. Armentrout suggested some medicine for my A D D. I saw my regular practitioner and gave her the letter from Armentrout and she agreed with him. I am on Welbutrin, for A D D and depression.
Today I wrote a paper, and it was good, and it didn't take me all day either, I procrastinated most of the day but when I finally said, 'this is it' and sat myself down, I wrote it, and it made sense too.
I know this is partly the drug, because I could never do this.
my mood has been slowly improving, not by alarming levels, but slowly and nicely. I don't feel so dreadful the last few days.
I have assignments to do, and I am not feeling overwhelmed.
I hope this continues, I am starting to feel like I am normal. Didn't I say feel too much?
Its not over yet, I didn't leave the house today, and I wore the green "no fear" sweatshirt, this is a sure sign that I am fighting anxiety and depression. I wear it for comfort. you will see a lot of pictures of me wearing the big ugly sweatshirt. Its not even remotely pretty and its wearing thin in places so there are tiny little holes, but I still wear it, and feel better when I do.
For dinner today I cooked chicken breasts in olive oil, soy sauce, rice vinegar,and turbinado sugar. then I added cooked spaghetti. It was tasty, just like the chicken you get in the bento box at the Japanese restaurant.
The cocker spaniel, Sherman sat hopefully with great optimism under the table, but he was ignored. He is an opportunist at best.
Sometimes I think I should put him in another room while we eat, but then he would only scratch at the door, he has worn the paint off in several places. I have repaired the scratches with Spackle, but its never ending. When we move I will have a lot of touch up work to do thanks to him. He is relentless.
I drove to Boise and saw Bruce on Tuesday. Sherman jumped up on his Civil war model. Luckily I don't think he damaged anything. Then he hopped up into Bruce's chair and helped himself to Bruce's' glass of ice tea. Later that evening, he jumped on my table and took one of the pumpkins that Bruce had painted for Daine and me, and ate it stem and all. Today he is pooping seeds. What an amazing obnoxious pet he is.

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