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Sunday, March 27, 2011

friday, what a day

Started out my day like I always do, finish a few household errands, and run off to pick up client at his school. The gas light was on, and I knew that client would like to eat his lunch in the car, so I pulled up to the Chevron on Amity a few seconds from clients school. I called Janelle on my cell phone and jokingly said, "Do you think that the static electricy from the cell phone will ignite the gas pump while I talk to you?" we talked for a few minutes, I put a little over forty dollars in, told Janelle I would call her later, put the debit into my wallet, shoved wallet into purse, screwed the gas cap back on tight, and headed out to the Nampa Library with my kid firmly buckled in, and happily eating his lunch. This was around 11:00 AM. The client and I spent our time together, then I took him back to school, picked up Client number two, who's parent had forgotten to tell me that she was at a different location then usual, so I was five minutes late, no big deal. We went through our usual list of things to do, then went to Fred Meyers. She didn't want to shop anymore, and I told her she could play with the game boy for a few minutes then we would go into Fred Meyer and get a cookie, then to the library. It had started snowing outside, and I was glad to be sitting in the parked car's warmth. I thought I would get on facebook for a few moments while my client was watching sponge bob square pants on the game boy. Very odd, there was a message for me, it read, "I Found your debit card at the chevron, is this you?" I sent a message back that YES it was me, and gave him my phone number and told him to call me. I waited most of the afternoon, he didn't call. At first I thought, how odd it was that he kept my card, why didn't he just turn it in to the clerk at chevron? So I called the bank and had the card cancelled. there was another 99 dollar charge on my card, but the bank thought it was chevron checking to see if I had funds before allowing me to use my debit to put gas in.. which didn't really make sense anyway since it was after I had filled my car for forty dollars. 
At this time, I had noticed that I had left the headlights on while client and I were in car. The battery was now dead, and it was snowing outside. I called a towing company to come give me a jump. He did that in a few minutes, and then we were on our way. I got a new debit card at the bank. Finished Before I knew that I had been robbed 100 dollars, after work I took Lucy; the new dog to Petco for a collar and dog tag. She loved riding in the cart, and was a pretty good dog while the cart was moving, when we stopped moving she jumped out. when I went to the counter to pay for the items, she jumped out of the cart and into their treat dish on the counter, and proceeded to graze happily on dog biscuits. SO I fumbled with money, dog and leash etc. The clerk gives you tokens to make the tag in the store. I went over to the machine with dog then put on her new collar and dog tag. Then discovered that I had lost my keys. It was getting late, and I was worried that the store would close. I asked the employees, I traced my steps, but still no keys. I asked the young crack head if he has seen them, he didn't give a shit, I asked the guy with the shaved head that liked my dog if he had seen them,and he found them in one of the carts. WOO!! I went home, I thought with all the brain farts I was having I had better just go home and stay there where I was safe... for the time being.
Meanwhile I still hadn't heard anything from the guy who messaged me on facebook.\ Sunday afternoon he finally gets back to me with an elaborate story about accidentally charging 99 dollars to my debit by filling up his truck. Well I didn't buy it, I think he thought he was going to get away with using the debit, then thought about it and decided to come clean. the story doesn't wash.
After telling me this, he doesn't get a hold of me for several hours. I grow weary of this and call the Nampa Police Department. I get some stupid wet behind the ears woman detective who decides that no crime has been committed since he said he would pay me back. This of course made me angry, and I told her, you don't think un-lawful use of a debit card is illegal? "Well" she said, "he is going to pay you back." I said, "WELL, he hasn't yet, has he?" I didn't like her one bit, I think she was a fool. She called him and thought he was a nice guy. SHE has ways to get his phone number, and was very proud of that. I still hadn't heard from him by five PM.
After I talked to GD and Tonie, I texted him on facebook one more time. I said, "When were you planning on paying the money back? It is now after five o Clock, if you don't contact me in one hour I am taking measures."  That got his attention and he said, "Can you take a check?" I SAID "NO I cant take a check, they take three days to clear, and my rent will be coming out of that account, if it hasn't already." He said he was just checking.... and would meet me at a gas station with the money. He gave us the wrong address, and then when we went to the correct gas station he wasn't there. Finally we found him, driving his big gas hog dodge pick up that was filled with MY funds. He ran up to the window with his hat on backwards like the dumb ass that he is, and handed me the debit and the 100. in cash, I made a point of counting it. He said, " I really am sorry." And he yelled it, like he had hearing damage or something, I said nothing, and Sherman stuck his nose out the window to size him up. Stupid punk was all I could think.

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