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Friday, October 02, 2020

Stink eye


My little jack Russell /Shihtzu rescue mix, cops an attitude because I slept in.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020


Here it is June and the weather is cool and only a few things are planted. 
Last year was a total waste. I spent the whole year depressed and unable to garden or organize. I thought I could manage myself and didn't need anti depressants. I was wrong of course.. 
Now I am better but I don't like to leave the house. 
I had a blood test a few weeks ago and I was diagnosed with very low vitamin D. 
I'm taking a supplement and slowly feeling better. 
My left knee is preventing me from getting out and doing more, that's one thing but I feel like every thing is getting better. 
We are in the middle of a pandemic. Covid-19. Trump is the president and he is making America the laughing stock of the world. 
How did we get here? I can't think.
  • I haven't minded the isolation. I mind the stupidity of humanity however. 


Born again for 40 years. 
The real deal. 
I went to college and took a philosophy class and my eye's were open. I couldn't close them again. The rush of peace and relief was so much more than I experienced being Christian. I have gotten a lot of pity, from concerned Christian friends , I don't need it and I try to be patient. I'm truly happy now.
Christians think that they are free, but they are not. They are controlled by the mass belief and must follow the crowd. 

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