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Thursday, June 23, 2005


I keep forgetting to buy salt, plain salt, not the idodized type I have. I need plain salt for the Vaporizer.
I am actively exhausted. Don't know why exactly, but I am so tired, my brain isn't functioning. I work today from 2 PM till 10 PM.
We are at the five week mark, but I have to figure out when my orientation is with the BSU, and I have to figure out if I am still going to Florida to Visit.
Waiting for information on the house, Janelle and Dwain want.
Praying for God's will. I supose it is no secret to God that I doubt there is a will for my life, merely survival and he doesn't know that I am here.
Like the Israelites, I have forgotten the past answers to prayer and his loving guidance.I need to remember again.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Glena Dusky.
Four of Wands
in the Future position.

A card in the right position indicates your questions future.

You have achieved a satisfying goal. Take time to celebrate this. Be proud of what you have done.


Originally uploaded by Glena Dusky.
Ace of Pentacles - Reversed
in the Present position.

A card in the middle position indicates what is affecting your question at this time.

Be aware of the temptation to undervalue or squander this gift because you consider mundane and a true gift of the universe.


Originally uploaded by Glena Dusky.
in the Past position.

A card in the left position indicates what has happened to affect your question in the past.

The message of Judgement is clear. You are being called to do something. You might not want to hear it and are actively drowning it out with noise of your daily life. You might be afraid of the call and the changes it will bring. Listen to it and face it with courage and action. It promises a more fulfilling life.

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