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Friday, August 31, 2007

Bean Brain

You don't even get me! your whole goal is to find someone to hook up with sexually. You pass up what could be a great thing to settle for mediocrity.
I don't even want to put you on the defensive to explain it to you, but frankly you screwed up. Every chance you get you talk of sex and snuggling, you don't even give a woman a chance to meet you and get to know you. You are a fool mr. online dating man, may your goals of scoring be met and may you never have a meaningful relationship.

Monday, August 27, 2007

today was the first day of school, I wonder what I am doing. I went to history and thought, "this is going to be a lot of work." Why?
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
I really miss Janelle, the turkey had to go and graduate, so now I am all alone.
I decided to keep at it even though I wonder if I am wasting my time.
I am taking the hormone pills, I wondered if I was supposed to bleed after I stop them in ten days or during the taking of them?
I am so hungry right now I could eat anything that didn't walk away, I feel pregnant, that must be what the hormone pills are doing to me.
Energy seems to be a thing of the past, but I am not giving up yet, I still take the iron pills and hope they work. I haven't got a parking permit yet, so I parked pretty far from the university, I don't know how far exactly, but the walk this morning felt good. When it gets cold I like the walk even less, but right now it was in the fifties and a brisk walk to class got me feeling awake.
I worked late last night and had to get up early for school today, four hours of sleep doesn't quite do it for me, I had a long nap after lunch.
Thank goodness I took that walk to class, its the only exercise I am likely go get today, I feel very drug out and tired.


Main Entry: as·sig·na·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌa-sig-ˈnā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of assigning or the assignment made
2: an appointment of time and place for a meeting; especially : tryst But hardly that, I just couldn't think of the word, and it drives me nuts when I can't think of a word.
Today is the first day of BSU, and I am nearly sick with anxiety. I am going to fight it and show up for history class, I am an adult (mostly) I can do this.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


SOOOO I was going to ask this guy out at work, but the look of sheer horror on his face when I asked him if he was single put me off a bit.
Sigh.. am I that scary?

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