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Saturday, January 14, 2017

I don't want to clean house today, so I will tell you the saga of the crow. He was brought to me with a broken wing, the rumor is I save animals. 
The young woman had called bird sanctuaries and animal control and the contention was to kill it. She had painstakingly saved it from a determined cat and was not about to have it killed, so now I have him.
I also have 3 cats, 5 dogs, and 10 chickens but I digress.
When she brought me the bird he was wrapped up in a tee shirt and didn't move or squawk. We put him in at large dog crate that I had lined with thick bath towels. He laid on his side with the wing stuck out at a right angle from his body. I told the girl, he has lost a lot of blood, is in shock and I don't expect him to live through the night.
I told her i would text her his progress or demise.
He got better and eventually put his wing next to his side. I hunted for a second hand bird cage and put him in that. He eats everything and silently watches me. I put the dogs and cats away and let him run around the house,but he doesn't seem to like that much. I put a tree branch in his cage but he doesn't climb. It occurred to me that he isn't a hook bill so probably won't climb.
I don't really know what to do with him. He can't live in a small cage and I can't turn him loose in the woods. We have a bird sanctuary called Lake Lowell. He could probably get on there even though flightless. My other thought is to build him an outdoor enclosure. I just don't know.
I've had him about a month now and he has been silent. I play bird sounds for him and he doesn't respond. When I pick him up he doesn't bite, which I would expect a wild bird to do.
Daine said maybe the bird is brain damaged.
However yesterday the squirrels outside were having a loud dispute and he started cawing, so this seems like progress.

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