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Monday, March 14, 2005

there is an exhilerating feeling I get from being on my own.
My own things surround me and bring me peace.
I love nightly rituals, and frown on them being interrupted.
Daine's Dinner at six, bath at seven, stories till 8 thirty.
Tuck the little bugger into bed and pray with him.
Then I research, read anything I can get my hands on, or if
PBS has something good on, I will watch that.

Bedtime, and bad dreams for me. Worry endless in my head.
Will this nightmare ever end?
Good Bad Ugly, but it is all mine.
I got one more month till I cannot pay rent. Ticket is due, cable, cell phone,
car payment, car insurance, and still no job.
Hope is flickering off and on.
I can sing the " If Only Blues"
I ask to be given clarity, I need to know what I did to cause this situation.
Or is it not special? millions of others are in my predicament?

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