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Saturday, October 26, 2002
My Computer is Lonely Tonight
(and I am not answering the phone)
OKAY, just bored then. Where is my entertainment?
Things I did today...
Took Daine to a birthday party so he could ride a pony. Took a shower. Did a load of laundry,
laughed with my daughter...a lot.
Listened to her complain....a lot.
Painted my two end tables pink. I knew that would impress you.
Made popcorn for dinner, and home made lemon aid.
ooops I promised Daine I would teach him how to make oatmeal cookies, and I forgot.
I requested a cyber bug for my website, its name will be Louis....hee hee, and it's pink.
ok, I am crazy about pink. However I am wearing a pale sage green button up shirt.
I usually wear green.
Today my hair doesn't look half bad. Guess it settled in. Hair does that.
candles are lit and I am listening to Alan parson's project.
Nice Change actually.
HOPE your day was full of good things.
Just me

Friday, October 25, 2002

Friday Friday!! doing the happy dance. Daughter and I took a walk on the beach with the little ones. Kayla and Daine dragging sea weed around like pets.
The dog knew. When I got home she gave me a reproachful look and sniffed the salt spray on my jeans. I think she was saying, "How could you go to the beach without me?" I like to take her when I don't have to keep my eye on two little ones heading in totally oposite directions which the five year old and the two and a half year old are likely to do.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Subject: Daine's Letter to Alan, his own words 4 1/2 years old

Dear Alan,
Mom is typing this. She says, I cannot say that I like you best because you send me stuff, she says, that is rude.
I looked at fishing stuff yesterday, mom would not buy me anything she said, MAYBE for my birthday.
I am going to go fishing some day. I caught a worm yesterday, Mom said I could not bring it in the house, that is okay, I lost it somewhere, I couldn't find it after I brought it in the house.
I got my socks wet in the sand box. I took off outside, but I could only find one of them.
Then we went to Cliff's work, and mom typed on the computer, I was bored. I can shoot rubber bands into the wall. I like to run the chairs on wheels into the wall too, but Mom said No.
I want to send this letter now.

Daine Bennet Dusky 8-O
Moody Blues will Play, but not for me....sigh...

Moody Blues Concerts.
When ever I rely on other people, plans fall through.
David was going to fly me to Las Vegas for a visit in October. Well blah blah, things came up, and then he got a new job etc. SO he says January.. I am sulking now. MOODY BLUES ARE GOING TO BE THERE!! OH MY GAWD, like I am still in love with Justin Hayward.
Anyway, if you get a chance, go, and tell me all about it, while I sob miserably in my tea.
I was 15 when I first heard them, and the love affair began. I was 35 the first time I saw them in concert, and it was awsome. I had to wait 20 years to see them in concert. now its been another 10 years, is it my imagination or is time flying by? I keep looking around, and yeah, I am getting old.It was without my permission.

This is just to get in touch with someone that you want to talk to.

Improvise.... but what I use is as follows:
(1) Red candle,(2) two red headed pins ( I even took two white headed pins and painted the tops of them red.)
(3)Patchouli or rose oil, or your favorite High vibration oil.
(4) Lighter...of course...(5) open mind.
(1) Anoint candle...dip your fingers in the oil, upward stroke, downward stroke Clockwise around the candle.
(2) Light candle
(3) focus on the one you want to call you. While you focus Repeat these words while Crossing the two red headed pins into the flames making an X, but do not put out the flame.
"It is not only this flame I mean to stick, but Allison's heart I mean to prick, whether she awake or sleeping be, I call her heart to come to me.
So mote it be
So mote it be
So mote it be"
Then snuff out the flame with your fingers. Do not blow it out.
I wet mine first.
it has been my experience that the person focused on calls in twenty minutes or so.
The witches said five minutes, but it took longer for me.

Usually James Dean would call and say, "I heard you an hour ago, but I couldn't get to a phone."
Then he would tell me to knock it off, he didn't believe in that stuff.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Monday, Gawd how I dislike Mondays. the beginning all over again, trying to take it one day at a time. Well of course that is all we can do... but STILL why wasn't I born rich instead of usefull?
My son is on one today, very amusing...not. Five years old and glaring at me, because I didn't remember to let him hit the start button on the microwave.... SORRY.
It is seven o clock P M and I am beat. Long day, started at 5 AM. Later Gator.
Saturday, January 13th, 2001 7:45 PM 6.0
I feel kinda bad, because I sat on my ass most of the day, lamenting not getting anything done. I have bills to pay groceries to go get, and I don't feel like leaving the house. Danced with my grandbaby, and made her laugh, smoked my last cigarette on the porch in the rain. Had meaningful conversations with my three year old. all and all a up and down kinda day.

Friday, January 12th, 2001 7:39 PM 6.0
After work, I went to sit with a depressed friend. Could feel the energy getting sucked right out of me. I wanted to make him feel better, but I wanted to be home with my two kids. We are all we have. I am going to help him clean his house on Sunday.

Thursday, January 11th, 2001 5:18 PM 7.0
some good some bad, My son was assessed by the state, he is advanced on his communication skills. I noticed some areas that I need to improve on as a parent. He is three, I am single and work, I am tired.

Wednesday, January 10th, 2001 6:48 PM 6.0
evil looks, and smug thoughts do not make up a good day, I have to deal with one of my co-workers getting her comeupance. Wish I wasn't so close the situation.

Tuesday, January 9th, 2001 5:42 PM 6.0
Well I got my wish, the one employee who was making my job harder, got to do my job today, since the managment could see that she wasn't doing her part. I felt guilty, but was free to accomplish much more today, while she was overwhelmed and swamped, like I have been the past several months.

Monday, January 8th, 2001 4:56 PM 7.0
I get a little overwhelmed at work on Monday, I feel like I am one of the few employees that understands team playing, and the good of the whole work place. Two of my co-workers have their own agenda, and prevent me from getting my other things done, because they don't answer the sales phone, I am looking for solutions and better communication with them. But I secretly feel that they are nothing more than prima donna's and don't care about the whole picture, only themselves. Came home to my adorable three year old, and the world seems right somehow.

Sunday, January 7th, 2001 7:19 PM 10.0
Started the day with my kids, went to the beach with all of them and friends to dig for clams. We didn't find any clams but had a good walk and fun day. Got home to find the cat still stuck in the tree, so we climbed up and saved him. We had dinner at McDonalds.

Saturday, January 6th, 2001 9:42 PM 10.0
Had nightmares all night, woke up to a baby a cat and a dog asleep next to me. After getting ready, I went to breakfast with my daughters ages 21 and 18, my 3 year old son, and 9 month old grandaughter, we had a blast. Took a walk on the beach at sunset with a friend and my three year old son

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