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Friday, July 24, 2009

Waiting and anticipating

Well I gave her two days, and I called. I got the job, saturday and sunday...
Security watching the gate at the county fair.
I am SOOO grateful.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Failure to communicate, secrecy, dishonesty....

The card at the top right represents how you see your partner. Falco (The Hermit), when reversed: Detachment based on fear, irresponsibility or naiveté. Self-imposed isolation from friends and loved ones. Listening to the wrong advice or ignoring good counsel. Concealment, disguise, and unreasoned caution.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Boy those grand kids can sure leave a trace of where they have been in such a short time.
I forgot how much I liked the movies 'Ice age' and 'Little Bears great adventure' Now I want to watch the 'Emperors new groove' I especially like musical cartoons, baby Ruby gets her groove on. Its very funny.
Daine left with them when they left.... sigh... I will be glad when its him and me again. Miss the little blighter.

Monday, July 20, 2009



Och Lass! Methinks mayhap a spell has been cast that ye no ken who ye be!!!!
Hence, I am duty and honor bound to remind ye!
Me thinks that slow times have mad ye daft to be feeling sorry fer yeself!
A warrior needs challenges to survive Lassie!! Tis why life deals ye such! Do ye wish to just whittle away to naught as an ol' hag or do ye wish to meet your Lord with pride in the skills he's given ya?
I will hear no more of sobbing and ranting fer yerself Lass. Leave off yer arse and fight!
Mayhaps the man Andy kens he's not man enough for such a woman as ye. He has put his tail betwixt his legs and run as the coward he is!. Good riddence I say!
Ye need a man that meets yer passions not only in the bed, but in life! Tis fine to dally with such cowards as ye seek til ye find that which ye deserve. But mind ya, do not confuse the two together Lass.
Ye heeded the words of a soothsayer once and have let the words lead yer life hence forth.Leave off with these thoughts and live!
Ye will know yer warrior. He will challenge every breadth of your being. And he willna run from ya Lass, no matter how ye challenge him back.
Ye warrior will be looking for that which also matches his passions and desires. Think ye he sees that when he looks upon ye now? Nay, he will see a weak whinning Lass not to his liking. Think he will find ye huddled away in yer domain?
Be yer true self Lass, and that which you seek, shall also find that which he seeks also.
With all me Love and faith in ye Lass,

Sunday, July 19, 2009


There is a way to speed up the demise of a relationship that you are not sure of. Introduce him to your family. It is not your family that causes the relationship to end it is the certainty of longevity. Most dead weights cannot stand the idea of tomorrow; day after day.
So they hop the next train to singles-ville without so much of a backwards glance.
Now you know.

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