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Friday, October 01, 2004

I went on an interview yesterday, I was so excited about this job, the inventor of the building contractor software wanted to see me...
he told the job recruiter that my enthusiasm was refreshing but I was too hyper... They were supposed to call me yesterday... But didn't..
I have a 50/50 chance of getting this job...
Its hard being me... I am very excited about being around this new technology, I got on his website and tried to learn everything I could... I know I am a good choice for his company... But somehow I presented the wrong image.
I asked him, 'How did you get from contractor to inventor?" I was fascinated by everything..... Anyway....Maybe he thought I was putting him on. I don't kiss butt, but sometimes I may seem insincere because I am so overwhelmed with interest.

Boise is lovely... This is that time of year that gets to me.. Crisp mornings, leaves changing, wonderful smell in the air. The days are still warm, the evenings cool for walking, Janelle and I are walking at night now.

I had a lovely date last night, with a micron technician. He is in r and d, you know I love hangin with the smart people...
It was Puke fest last night... what got into the animals I don't know.
My cat has become weird, wont let anyone touch him, but went over and barfed on Nick's shoes... Then Lucy barfed, then What showed up for a visit and her dog barfed, then the cat walked over and barfed on his shoes again......
I was mortified about the animals... Dinner and disgrace could be the theme of the evening.
HE is a music technician and has a recording studio... Guess what I get to do?? HE listened to me sing, he says I have sub tones/? Or something, anyway he told me about my voice, he knew what he was talking about, he wants to try some different type of boxes to bring out certain sounds, it sounds like a blast to me.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I got the interview with the inventor on Thursday.. Only I have to find the place... This will of course be interesting...
I will not wear the red dress.... Perhaps the pink church lady dress... We noticed we are getting wide of girth... Its not fair... I barely eat.. ITS going to be tough to get rid of that ass....SUX, because I walk everywhere....OKAY truth be told its not really the ass that's the trouble, its the tummy..... The butt is a bubble butt, not wide but.. You know...MY dear brothers called me bubble butt since I was a small fry.

ahem... Sorry again, I am so open with things...

ANYWAY the reason I prevail is I finally beat XP at its insidious game, it hid a file from me. I FOUND IT... whoo hoooo! (insert happy noises here) I downloaded DEAD MAN"S party, the techno version... Ok, one has too much time on her hands.. It will all end when I am working again, I will be hard to find... Mostly because I will be cruising the Canadian farm land, wishing I was finding my way home.

My son thinks I am funny,he has been laughing so hard he is drooling.

Janelle and I were reminiscing on some of my mothering skills when I was a young mother like she is now....

MOVE IT< OR I will kick you so hard you will be wearing your butt for a hat....

I said that... she is still laughing over twenty years later...

I Was always a good mother.

my approach is being documented today.

SOMETIMES I wish I could go back and be twenty again... living in Montana with my goats and my two beautiful baby girls.... Janelle and I used to ride my bike seven miles into Missoula and have tea at Alice's Restaraunt.

She doesn't remember now.... it was a lifetime ago.

I shall not be sad, this is now, and I have another young child that makes me laugh... sometimes I wish I could have another... but at my age, I would put the baby down and forget where I put him.

blond... and now impending dementia......

Lucky I am still beautiful.. not that it accounts for anything.


I have played "GLOW" by Alien Ant Farm over and over, I am so glad no one
can hear me... can they?
I am dancing, the dog is hiding, the cat is looking alarmed....

I should go through my closet and find a conservative dress.
The corduroy is out.. I have a short waist, and.... bubble butt, it seems to
focus on my AHEM
area's.. that may be why the cat hit me when I wore it last week.
I KNOW too much information.
most of my stuff.... is kinda retro hippy....I GIVE UP, I do not look

The green velvet gothic.....The black silk with the purple boa??

The pink frilly one... EWWWWWWWWWWWW looks like Mrs. Church Lady.

The red one? that one always gets me into trouble...besides.... its a bit
snug on one's derriere....

I could send you a photo show... my daughter always says, "It looks good
mom." I think she does it on purpose, and laughs all the way home....

She is used to me, to give her credit. so perhaps I look normal to her.

OK OK< Smooth Criminal...... cover by Alien Ant Farm... they do it better
then Michael Jackson. I am.. not changing out of the baggy green
sweatshirt....and birkenstocks.

Janelle swiped my "NO FEAR" sweat shirt. I stole it fair and square from an
ex boyfriend... BONUS!! One must always have a collectable from each
affair... Glena's closet should be full... SIGH...

Well the cat doesn't dance we find out.. too late

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