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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

lemon chicken

SO I made lemon chicken with wild rice and white rice. Wild rice takes an hour to cook, white rice takes thirty minutes. Dilemna. I cook them together and I end up with soggy white rice and chewey wild rice. hmmm not bad especially since I drank the last of the chianti... only one cup, but I am such a light weight.
The lemon sause I made with corn starch sugar and lemon juice, man it was good, slather the cooked chicken breasts and cook till tender, eat the gooey mess with more chianti... I see no reason not to enjoy it.
The viking liked it, he ate a huge plate and informed me the rice passed. I thought he meant it was passable, but Passed means a good grade like I am not going to get in ENGLISH. I re fuckin Wrote the 28 assignments. I stared at the other writing assignments. IT TOOK ME ALL DAY, I have no energy for anything but cooking lemon chicken and watching the rain soak my laundry that I hung outside... interesting.
I really need to get laid.

Bald Headed little wart

Dedicated to the anal retentive "my way or the highway" professors out there... BITE ME! hope you break your teeth off too.
It was the last class in Fiction class last night, and I got pulled aside.
Seems my 28 assignments and two short stories are not up to standard and must be re-done.
I am going to do it too, I want a decent grade from that wacko.
I just smiled and agreed with him, I was so put out, I couldn't think of anything else to do.
The one story I agree because I had help in writing it, and that bothered him. I told him I had help, but sometimes I should just shut my big mouth I am my own worst enemy.
AND That stupid cow in my class said to me, "How are you doing?" I said I have some finals coming up, but I am not going to sweat them because I Figure I know what I know and its too late to worry about it." She said, "YOU SHOULD NOT BE SO NEGATIVE." I said, "That's not negative, I said I wasn't sweating them."
HOW THE HELL is a person supposed to talk around here? JEEEZ. She offered cookies and I didn't take one, I was feeling like a feral dog after that class last night. I am not perfect we have established that, but I felt so picked on, and in case I was wrong, I thought I better keep my mouth shut, it could be hormones. HOWEVER I never liked that cow anyway.
SHE always says the same thing about every one's fiction writing.
She is of the opinion that what she says is of great importance.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Queen of Denial

I am not as quirky as people say.

Monday, April 30, 2007

OOH could you bitch a little more?

I ache, I am tired, and I haven't any money.. How is that?
IF I didn't have stupid class tonight, and study group before that, I would put the rest of the Vino away I would TOO!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

James' Other Plans

WEll I was going to get something accomplished today, but it seems James has other plans for me.

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