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Friday, July 13, 2007

Pink Dreams

I bought pink sheets two days ago, and now I am dreaming in pink.
The first dream, I was sitting on a bench next to a pink lake and grounds filled with pink grasses, the sky was pink. A lady with fuzzy white hair came outside and said, "why are you here, this is private property." I said, " I had to come, I match." I was completely dressed in pink.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Red Wool Talon Coat

"The minstral in the gallery"
Jethro Tull siege continues.

I see myself in a red wool Talon coat.
I am going to have it made with turquoise buttons and trim. It shall make me look facinating with my wild red hair.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

JR Simplot Patrol

HELP! I am being held hostage to a big screen TV that shows nothing but pictures of food and non stop country music being piped in. CORNEY country music. I did find the volume control button, but I cannot shut the whole thing off.
Pictures of roasted baby bakers, avocado dices, flame roasted onion,J.R.'s buffalo slices (potatoes really!)and some dude bellowing over my head, "Baby hold on!" What a sense of humor the fates have for me.
The original buttery basted bastard? NO, that's not right and what do we do with FROZEN MASHED POTATOES? I am perplexed, roasted baby spears? Does Mr. Simplot have a lasting dislike for babies? He probably had some ad company name the different types of potatoes and sadly me sitting here with cold pizza and crystal lite for dinner. I wouldn't object to a flame broiled potato stuffed pepper. Maybe someone left me one upstairs in the test kitchen? They have a test kitchen somewhere in the facility.
NOW! to find the control for that vile music.

J.R. Simplot

Monday, July 09, 2007

Waiting on his ass again

Some days I am not photogenic. Beauty must come from within... and I am lacking inner beauty or something.
Waiting on Steven who called at seven thirty to tell me he would be over, its now nine thirty, and I can bet it might be eleven when his other important pressing problems are all solved. He wears a superman suit over his monkey suit, didn't you know?
Daine laments, he wants to know when the Jethro Tull siege will be over. HE said, "Why don't you get on a Bob Marley kick or something?"
Can you believe that kid is ten? He is sitting in his underwear watching TV in his room, because... I am playing Jethro Tull in the living room and pretending to create something beautiful. I did fix him a couple of fried eggs and toast. That is something beautiful isn't it?
I am having coffee with that delicious coconut cream creamer. Its so good it is wicked.
Well that is the big highlight of my day other then waiting on you-know-who.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

2 weeks in a row

I do feel like a spy from the outside world, but I am staying inside the doors, open minded; singing the songs; and watching.
It's hard to explain the feeling of interloper that I have deep inside. The imposter who knows things they in their innocense could only guess at.

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