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Saturday, February 28, 2004

I didn't want Ronny to be right... however, it seems that it has begun, at least a little, and where my boy is concerned I am very picky about his life conditions.

His first grade teacher (The Anal Retentive one) pulled me aside, and like some sooth sayer, said that she had noticed Daine acting out.... "hmmm she said, when did you move into your new home??" I said December.... "AHHH right" she said, "thats when Daine wasn't acting out. But... Now he is again." I asked what she meant by ACTING OUT? she said, "well... he just doesn't seem right.."
Then she dropped another bomb..
"We all decided", she said...." that if Daine ever needs to talk, all he has to do is say so, and I will send him to the councelor's office."
I said, "NO, I don't like that, he has a councelor, and I don't know this school councelor, and I don't want other people talking to him. I have no idea what type of training she has and NO< NO< I don't want Daine singled out... he is suposed to return to a normal life..."
Then she dropped bomb number three.... this gets really good.

"We are going to study, bad touch, and good touch next, week, and anatomy". I said, "OH? Why? Why now? can't you wait? I think you are opening a can of worms here, and I don't think Daine knows appropriate times to talk and when not to."
I personally feel that she thinks of Daine as soiled, and doesn't want him around anymore.
I told her, that I wanted him in first grade full time, he keeps missing out on activities that mean a lot to him. (He goes to kindergarten in the morning and first grade in the afternoon, a program called K-1, for kids that aren't quite ready for first grade, but have past kindergarten.)
She smiled and said," we will have to put that to the board". I could see the distaste on her face when she looked at my son, clinging to my leg at that moment.
He had been waiting outside, and decided that I had been talking to his teacher long enough, and knocked at the door and ran to me and wrapped around my leg.
Daine and I see the councelor Tuesday at 6 PM... I will put it to him, he was a school teacher first, so he will know what can be done.
Janelle wants him to be with her. They have a school next door, and he will be with his nieces again. She isn't worried about inappropriate content, she has known Daine all his life and loves him more then a brother, like he is her own baby. I am afraid to send him to You, because that would be such a big change, and I know that he has been through hell and back.
However, I don't want to send him anywhere. I will be devastated without my son.
I will talk to the councelor and see what he says, I don't think I can make a fair decision. The outcome is what is best for Daine, and Damn everyone else.
It seems the pain doesn't go away, and Patrick is going to school everyday, like nothing has happened. Meanwhile our lives seem to be spiralling downward.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Dear Judge
upholder of truth and justice......

Let all the preditor's know, they have a friend in Brookings Oregon. This is the place that you can stalk and abuse small children and get off with a hand slap!
You can start your own club and be president.
Come one Come all! We are going to the Freakers ball!

I am so angry right now, that I am paralyzed.
Daine sleeps with me most of the time, before this happened to him he liked his own bed.
Sometimes I look at that soft rosy cheek on the pillow and listen to the soft
breathing, and I think only a monster could take a child's trust and use it in such a way.
He doesn't want to leave my side, now that he has told me, he doesn't feel safe
unless he is with me.
My brave little boy with the infecious laugh has become introverted and afraid.
He suffers from stomach pain and headaches, and still doesn't know if he can control his bowels.
IF Pat gets off without punishment, I am afraid that I cannot go on.
I have to believe that justice will be done, I have to believe that some stupid bleeding heart liberal, won't let the blue eyed child preditor loose
I have to believe this was all a horrible nightmare, and I promise I won't ever eat pickles before going to bed again..
Make it go away.

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