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Saturday, June 14, 2008

The House of Pain

a long time ago, when channeling was all the rage in Seattle a gentleman came out calling himself Lazareus. He pronounced Laz ar' ree us.

He was a short stubby little man without many personal qualities, however when he channeled the above mentioned name he became a purveyor of ancient wisdom. NOW me... I am usually a discerner of the truth, and I thought a lot of the information was hype, but he had this hypnotic tape called the house of pain. He said that when ever a person keeps hurting themselves physically it means they have issues from the past that need looking into. I would listen to the tape and literally go out for about a half an hour, and afterwords I would be aware of what I needed to face down. I don't have many issues these days, but when I start getting clumsy I think about the house of pain, and the ways to face down the inner demons. I still have the tape. Maybe some day I will take a trip down the dusty country road to the house of pain. I hypnotize easily... possibly little brain? I don't know.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I figured dragging my butt out of bed was the most exercise I needed today.
Then I look around and notice the floor needs sweeping, the room needs organizing and I need to change the bed, wash laundry, water the outdoor plants.
SIIIIIGGGHHH>>> nice, its only in the sixty's today, it was going up in the hundreds then the weather changed it's mind. I am glad, I can't afford to use the air-condtioning, my power bill goes from thirty dollars to one hundred and thirty in two days, YUCK!
but my moon flowers aren't any bigger and my tomatoes are still small and green, they won't take off until it gets hot. Downside is I am a walking hot flash and I don't think I am going to tolerate any heat very well this year.

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