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Saturday, June 03, 2006


I am unemployed, however I have a full tank of gas, I think I will go to the mall today.
Dain would like to spend his birthday money on a game for his gameboy.
I like boys, they are so easy to please.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Daine will be nine tomorrow

I am holding the Vikings present for tomorrow. Anyone seen wrapping paper? Newspaper may have to do. My kids got him a Scooter. The kind that you put one foot on and push with the other foot. He will love it. My present... the gameboy will blow his mind. He is used to doing without. He doesn't think too much about it. He is the kind of kid that is unspoiled and happy with anything. It is good I don't have more money, I would spoil him rotten.

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