Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors.
These are quotes from his book, Small Gods
I thought you might get a kick out of his view on Philosophy.
"What's a philosopher ?" said Brutha. "Someone who's bright enough to find a job with no heavy lifting," said a voice in his head.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
Take it from me, whenever you see a bunch of buggers puttering around talking about truth and beauty and the best way of attacking Ethics, you can bet your sandals it's all because dozens of other poor buggers are doing all the real work around the place."
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
The trouble was that he was talking in philosophy, but they were listening in gibberish.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
"I used to think that I was stupid, and then I met philosophers."
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
"That's why it's always worth having a few philosophers around the place. One minute it's all Is Truth Beauty and Is Beauty Truth, and Does A Falling Tree in the Forest Make A Sound if There's No one There to Hear It, and then just when you think they're going to start dribbling one of 'em says, Incidentally, putting a thirty-foot parabolic reflector on a high place to shoot the rays of the sun at an enemy's ships would be a very interesting demonstration of optical principles."
-- The many and varied advantages of philosophy (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)