I could go to work in Jammie's.. I think it should be mandatory.
I am so amazed how I Find the weirdest jobs.
Yesterdays was a prize. I was to sit in my car for twelve hours, occasionally getting out to stare ominously at a building to make sure it was still there or not on fire.
I wrote copious notes on it.. mainly to mess with the powers that be.
"Building is secure" what did they think? It was going to run off?
However not to bellyache this time, I have hit the mother lode. I can walk and exercise, EXCEPT the uniform is polyester... quite fetching actually. The heat made my legs squeak when I walked in the lovely uniform... sporting epileps and a silver badge.
I can read hours of Sci Fi, and drink gallons of water and use the amazing porta potty.
I was all alone except for the occasional curious drive by people. Some must think I am formidable because after seeing me they drove off rather quickly. Perhaps it was the steam rising off the new polyester shirt that says, Securitas Security.
The company had offered me a matching hat....after giving them a wilting look I realized they were quite serious. I politely declined the matching hat...
I can work this job and go to school, isn't that great! The pay is very generous considering the difficulty of the task. HOWEVER never look a gift horse in the mouth, my mommy always said.. along with a lot of other useless things that pop up in my head at the most inopportune times.