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Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Amy Bo I'm sorry about that. I've been triggered lately and angry. I thought I was over that. I thought I had grown into an intuitive grateful woman. Instead I am 12 again. I am made fun of, I am not good enough, I am tainted. I am strange, i blurt out things better left unsaid. My mom was divorced and remarried. Her husband went on 3 day drunks, had a lover for ten years before she found out. My first liked to smack me around when my opinion pissed him off. I was supposed to take it because it was gods will. My depression was my fault because I didn't trust the lord. My autism is just me not reading my bible. I'm never enough. Any way! Here's to us! Loving ourselves in all our weirdness, we made it out. After the guilt fades, the feeling of euphoria overwhelms me, i never felt this good when I was a Christian.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

It went away

I don't need to feel threatened by my belief, or feel self righteous. Relief is believing in me. Religion is a trap. Think for yourself and don't let the "church" tell you what is right. Too much hate in that building.

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