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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Weird day at telemarketor hell yesterday.
The anniversary of the death of my little brother.
He was a carpenter.
Seems this time of year brings nostalgia... I am thinking of my ex in laws, and wishing Daine had a father,
on the other hand the way we got things, is pretty nice.
Nobody to argue with if I am a little light on discipline, he will survive inspite of me I am sure.
We read stories every night, and... I cheated, Santa wanted Daine to have the kipling books early,
WE are really enjoying them.
Just so Stories... we read the Elephant's Child.
I haven't opened the Christmas ornaments yet, I have long since bagged up all the girls ornaments
and gave them to them. The little dancing fairies from the sugar plum fairy, the teddy bears, each ornament
I bought them. Usually one a year.
There are cardboard rings painted with finger paints, and hideous pinecones dumped in glitter, trash mostly,
but of course they all go up on the tree.
Daine just presented me with a bag, stapled shut, it says Sira the goat on it. He said it's my present.
I told him when We put up the tree we will put the present under it. From the concentrated look on his face,
I bet he spent a lot of time on it.
Don't be sad, remember the good stuff, I am trying to.

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