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Wednesday, June 15, 2005


its always strange to me how people are connected.
When I lived in Boise and was contemplating picking up and moving to Brookings ( transfer from Good Sam) I met people who were
from Brookings area living in Boise.
Many were homesick, but also appreciated the diversity of Boise.
A few weeks ago, I was standing outside Jackson's around 3 AM watching the sky, when a man who drives the street cleaners truck
stopped by for a brief visit, Turns out he is next door neighbors with an old high school chum of mine from Pierce Idaho.
Course, there aren't too many places to go when you grow up in Pierce Idaho, some went to Missoula Montana, (Where I lived for
about nine years) others went to Boise Idaho.. Or Spokane Washington.
WE are all connected in some odd way.
I always meet people who know someone I used to know.
Did I ever mention that I have lived in seven states?
I have traveled a lot, but I want to move to Olympia Washington eventually, I miss the sea, but I do not want to go back to Brookings,
I think I learned everything I was supposed to learn there, and I have to move on.
The part I didn't love about Brookings was the extreme poverty, and the wealthy buying land and rentals and making it impossible for
the poor to have a home, and the taking.. the taking and not putting back into the community, is like rape to me.
Those with privilege should put back.
If I were rich, and I MEAN really rich, I would build a community center for the youth, it would offer, Self defense classes, sewing,
arts, dance, would have a game room, a gym, swimming pool, it would have offices.
and free after school care.
It would be run by the community for the community. I dreamed of this constantly, watching our youth, park at abandoned buildings
trading cigarettes, the hopelessness of nothing to do, lack of opportunity.
Eventually missed opportunities results in crime.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Hello Glena, my first visit to your blog. I live in Olympia... pretty raised here from 1956 to date. Oh, I've "bounced" around the country for a bit in the mid 70's and 80's but always seem to find myself heading back "home" here. You're right, there's always the never ending attraction to the sea...

Oh well, good luck.


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