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Monday, May 08, 2006


Today on the agenda is the Psych 120 Finale it is at 1:00 PM, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I was thinking about worm sanctuaries during the storm... dead worms all over the sidewalk, something should be done, I mean REALLY!!
Tomorrow I don't have any pressing business, I think I will vacuum up pet hair in my dungeon. Maybe suck up the cat as well.
He deserves it, I won't let him run free outside, so he had a temper tantrum and tipped over my garbage can and spread paper all over my room. Stupid Cat.
I have been walking my legs off all morning and now I need a nap. I sold my books. GEEEZ, I am not ungrateful. I got 92 dollars for 400 dollars worth of stupid books, YAY! (sarcasm) I expect as much, because some instructors are not teaching any more... Joan's book fetched 20 bucks. OH and they wouldn't buy the stupid psych 120 book back,the cashier said, "it's worth nothing" HOW APROPOS I thought. The class was a waste of ass hair.
Someone thought Psych majors should have Psych 120. this will be going into my book of "Don't Do's" I could be home napping you know... or eating, two of my favorite past times.
I should be wearing the Green NO FEAR sweatshirt, its one of those kind of days. But the sun is still shining, and the walk was breezy and beautiful, and the air smelled of spring and leaving. AHH But we know we cannot leave we have to stay, damned promises anyway.
I am killing some time. I have Nothing to do until I take the final, I took the kids to school and day care respectably. Olivia hanging onto my arm and screaming, "Don't leave me Gramma." She doesn't like me much anyway, its just that I am the less of the two evils.
Kayla doesn't like me at all. Daine adores me. He is the only one with common sense in that crew. I told my daughter, having kids doesn't necessarily mean you will like them, I was lucky, I liked all my kids.
All the power is off in the Educational Building and Multi Purpose. I was going to work on a computer in the multi, but to no avail. I think the porta potty boys severed a line.. I betcha! they look pretty proud of themselves outside suspended up in the air. They moved the porta potty to the ground, so now they must bungee jump off the building if they have to go.
I hope you have a lovely day. I am off to find a nap place.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Good luck on your test!!!! Hope you did super. I vaguely remember taking that class.....too long ago.

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