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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Goodbye best friend

I said goodbye to my best friend today.
Health conditions,quality of life... Etc. It still makes me feel like I did something wrong. We think she might have had cancer too. She was the funniest dog I ever owned. I remember her smile and the "quaff" noise she made, and how she didn't bark because she thought it was rude. She was a princess to the end, my friend Lucille.


Kimmie said...

I'm so sorry.....


Dusky Dawn said...

I know you know how this is.
She went everywhere with me, including work. Sometimes I forgot she was a dog. She would sit on the couch with me and watch TV, I would hand her a cracker, and she always ate it like a lady. She rarely acted like a dog, except for those few times when she found something glorious to roll in, then she got a bath, much to her dismay.

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