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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

She was what she was

An acquaintance of mine died on Christmas day. I grew up with him, he was one of the wild boys from Headquarters Idaho that came to Pierce elementary school.
Garth was nice to me, he gave me a fancy ring to wear on my left hand in the fifth grade. I lost it and when he asked for it back, he never believed that I didn't have it hidden away somewhere. It was a one of a kind ring set with rows of glass jewels,it cost nearly five dollars, and he no doubt wanted to give it to the new girl on his list of favorites. All these years later I think.. "Garth I really did lose that ring, I never kept it." In fact.. come to think of it, I was showing it to a girlfriend and that's when it disappeared. I never would have suspected my friend of keeping it, but that's probably what happened. I was so very honest, and I thought that everyone else was too.
An anonymous person wrote his obituary. Nothing was said about what took him away from this life. Obits would be more interesting if they stated the cause of death. I heard it was throat cancer. I thought about an anonymous person writing one's Obit. What has life got to say about us if there is no one to write how we lived? What were our passions, are failings, and who did we love?
I was thinking as my mind took the morbid turn, who would write my obit and what would it say?
It occurred to me, that it would be my oldest daughter Janelle and she would put on my tombstone. "Here lies our beloved Mother, she bitched a lot." So I was thinking if Garth gave me a gift it was that of reflection and maybe I better change my ways so that my tombstone doesn't say that... oh yeah, I am getting cremated anyway.

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