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Sunday, March 03, 2013

I am not productive

Partly its the leg pain, partly its my gut not feeling right today, maybe the incessant rain, the dust that needs removing, the floor needs vacuuming, the kitchen needs mopping, the bathroom too. I want to create something beautiful, I don't want to spend Sunday cleaning yet again... maybe I should take a walk.
I had been turning the light bar on every morning at six AM. This weekend I just got out of bed instead, and I think... maybe it had made a difference to run the light bar for fifteen minutes before arising. CUZ I'm blue. But work sux, there is a bad vibe, one client who was especially difficult in a manipulative way has been reassigned and I wonder if I am getting bad press at work. sometimes its not what you do or how you are it is what THEY think you are and how they think you act, often no facts are needed for their opinions.
I got contraband chickens too, they are not slum lord approved, if we get caught he will ask us to remove them, and I would rather move with the birds secured in a box to a new place then get rid of the girls. Mary Jane, Ruby, Apple and Max. Max thought she was a rooster for awhile but seems to be acting more hen-ish now. The girls are making a big production over laying and egg, this does let the neighbors know there is a small chicken farm in the back yard. I told them to keep a low profile.
NO one listens to me including birds, and I am most often right.
I am going to take a warm bath and see if that improves my mood.

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