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Friday, June 30, 2017

And you're not allowed to hurt me anymore

I don't know you anymore. We used to talk every day. I used to be a part of your life. I was involved with my grandkids and I loved every minute. We built habitats, played in the dollhouse, caught bugs, raised pollywogs and butterflies.
I miss you. I miss long talks and lunch out, and you coming over for breakfast...remember toad in the hole? Coffee and scones? I miss you, I miss us.
I have to let go. You don't want me around, you think I am a big joke. You let me down on your wedding day too. The pig didn't belong in the front row wearing the mother's corsage. You are my child.
I am hurt. I am used to being tossed aside by my family, but never you.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Oh! And it's tortured alrighty

Not a good day for my angst ridden self.
The wedding day of my daughter. I wasn't involved in any way. I wasn't asked. I thought I was ok with that. My kids are rarely traditional. There was EH. I handled the situation ok. My sweet husband Andyroo went over and greeted EH. I wandered around looking for my daughter. She looked lovely and I was happy she found someone who gets her and completes her.
I'm still feeling closed out and uncomfortable. Here is many people I love and care about and I realize how little most care about me. Hard for me to understand, do I drive people away? I don't want to. I struggled with words when talking to guests yesterday, my words tangling into unintelligent sounds. People tend to walk away instead of waiting for me to get my words out.
Once again I realize how little I matter here. Once again I remind myself in a stern voice that this day is not about me and my imagined inadequacy. This is my little girls special day. I turn back to Andyroo my rock, my hero, my friend who gets me and completes me. I tell him I am going to find a seat.
There was the arbor waiting for the ceremony to begin. There were the brides maids chatting and the groom's mom wandering around taking charge in gentle efficient way. I love that lady so friendly and welcoming. And there at the front was the pig. Standing in swine-like authority already trying to take charge of the day.
I felt bile rise in my throat. If she was in the wedding that would be too much. I don't think I could handle that. Andy whispered in my ear. He had seen her too. He said, " you know people always begin to look like what they are when they age, and she certainly looks like the pig she is. "
God bless him.
I do believe that a young lovely person who is evil, will begin to look evil as they age. Youth and good looks are a cover. That is why you can trust most older people who look kind.
But I digress.
Well the pig wasn't in the wedding but she took up two seats in the front row and sat with MY granddaughters. I should have been in the front seat cheering MY daughter on, not that pig.
And the twenty plus years that I thought was plenty of time to get over the hurt and betrayal of a best friend and husband came back and hit me square in the face. I did not feel gracious I did not feel strong.
It all came back. Pig taking over my house, husband, kids, even the birth of my grandkids, yes she was there fighting for attention and pushing me away from my daughter,and here she is again, I admit I was too weak to push my way in. I also refuse to make a scene. So I kissed my daughter after the wedding and said I can't stay. My son called shortly after we made our getaway. Mom! Get over here they want a picture of you and Janelle. I said I can't I've left. He was irritated with me. I said cut a picture of my face and stick it on the photo. I know, I sounded like an asshole.
Now today I feel an overwhelming need to apologize. It is not the pig's fault I was a jerk that is all on me. However I will say in my defence they should not allow livestock in weddings.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Snowy day January 23, 2017

I really did it yesterday.
Jack Crow wasn't eating and I was worried he would die.  It was warmer than usual, I told Daine I wanted to take the bird outside to a woodsy place and let him get some exercise. I thought it would stimulate his appetite. Daine said it sounded like a terrible idea and that I don't realize how fast the bird can run.
He did as I asked anyway. We locked up the dogs and cats and carried Jack Crow outside.
Jack did take off running full speed and launched himself into some scrub trees overlooking the creek, which I might add is high and swift this time of year.
I decided if I tried to fetch him he would fall into the creek and only having one wing would be detrimental to his survival. His wing fell off while he was walking so I know absolutely without question it will never heal.
So not really having any options I decided to let him hangout in the scrub and I would check on him periodically. Daine just shook his head and we went back inside.
I checked on Jack every thirty minutes. He was still sitting in the bush. About 2 hours into his excursion the weather began to change and I wanted to get the bird and bring him inside.
I went outside and my ingenious bird dog had snuck out behind me. Sherman did his job and flushed out the bird. The bird took off and sherman chased it to the creek.
 I'm yelling Sherman! In my fiercest voice, of course Sherman is ignoring me, he is delighted to be chasing a bird.
I couldn't see where Jack had went, and Sherman ran up the bank and crossed the bridge to see if the bird was floating down stream. Sherman stared at the water for quite a few minutes and so I was sure the crow had come to an untimely demise, and it was all my fault.
I couldn't accept that, so I checked the banks of the creek and the area I had last seen Jack.
I made a shelter of a tote full of straw near his last place and hoped he could get to it if he was still alive. I went outside every thirty minutes and searched. Then... I saw him, he was clinging to the bank where Sherman had chased him and he must not have gone into the water. Sherman ran up the bank and through the woods and grabbed the crow by the head and picked him up. I yelled "Drop It!" The only command Sherman obeys. I noticed Jack moved so I called my bird dog and ran into the house to locate my teenager. Daine sighed heavily, put on his boots and climbed down the side the hill toward the creek with a African woven basket in hand. He picked up Jack Crow and put him in the basket and climbed slipping and sliding up the steep icy bank. I kept thinking this is not going to end well. But somehow we got the bird home safely and no one ended up in the creek. Jack clung to my glove and would not let go. Daine gently pride each claw and put him in the bird cage, since then Jack has been eating like a pig.
Happy ending and thank God for teenage boys.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

I don't want to clean house today, so I will tell you the saga of the crow. He was brought to me with a broken wing, the rumor is I save animals. 
The young woman had called bird sanctuaries and animal control and the contention was to kill it. She had painstakingly saved it from a determined cat and was not about to have it killed, so now I have him.
I also have 3 cats, 5 dogs, and 10 chickens but I digress.
When she brought me the bird he was wrapped up in a tee shirt and didn't move or squawk. We put him in at large dog crate that I had lined with thick bath towels. He laid on his side with the wing stuck out at a right angle from his body. I told the girl, he has lost a lot of blood, is in shock and I don't expect him to live through the night.
I told her i would text her his progress or demise.
He got better and eventually put his wing next to his side. I hunted for a second hand bird cage and put him in that. He eats everything and silently watches me. I put the dogs and cats away and let him run around the house,but he doesn't seem to like that much. I put a tree branch in his cage but he doesn't climb. It occurred to me that he isn't a hook bill so probably won't climb.
I don't really know what to do with him. He can't live in a small cage and I can't turn him loose in the woods. We have a bird sanctuary called Lake Lowell. He could probably get on there even though flightless. My other thought is to build him an outdoor enclosure. I just don't know.
I've had him about a month now and he has been silent. I play bird sounds for him and he doesn't respond. When I pick him up he doesn't bite, which I would expect a wild bird to do.
Daine said maybe the bird is brain damaged.
However yesterday the squirrels outside were having a loud dispute and he started cawing, so this seems like progress.

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