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Friday, February 20, 2004

the day the music died

Denial is over, the worst has yet to begin.
No more, " Pat has a different story." will be told by the
unknowing mother.

Pat's stories are over.
Pat was once a young child being brutalised by someone, no one
noticed, no one came to his rescue. Now Pat has graduated into
a practiced Pediafile. He cannot be saved.
Pat systematically set children up, bribed, cajoled,
threatened, then molested them for personal gratification.

How can you push this under the rug? it's a fact, it happened,
and has probably been happening for years.
The question is, who did this to Pat? Who robbed Pat of his
childish innocence, used and abused him and made him keep the

I am sorry that no signs were noticed, that Pat went on alone in
his world of pain and rejection with no one to hear his silent
plea's for help.
No one heard Pat.
Someone heard Daine however, and Pat must be stopped.

I think Pat is very far gone, anyone that can molest a small boy
when others are present in the house, and act as if nothing is
wrong, can stand by and watch the same child's humilation
because the child can no longer control his bowels, with a cold
and uncaring eye, and can accept money with a smile for baby-
sitting, is beyond my comprehension.

We failed Pat, let him be the last child, let us open our eyes,
and keep our children safe.

Education stops abuse, we must tell the story,
and we must tell it Right.

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