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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

My computer is 7 years old. It has onboard componets, I have upgraded when I could, and have re-formatted and updated.....
NOW it politely tells me that it is going on standby... or it flashes me rudely then goes to the blue screen of death.
It changes the pixels so that the screen has a huge picture on it when I turn it on.
Sometimes for fun it hides the toolbar.
I am going to catapult it off a cliff.
We are past the best part of our relationship. Well I am not sure if we ever had one. Mostly it has tolerated me with amusement. I have put up with it because of necessity. Daine cut his teeth on it, Lucy acquired flea medicine because of it, I kept in touch with my family inspite of it... However I do not feel full of gratefulness, I feel agitation and ready to toss its pampered carcass off the nearest hill, with a WHOOP of JOY!!!
Ahem... Seven years is a long time in Computer years.
Besides it was an ungrateful rebuilt cheap Frankenstein piece of doo doo from the beginning.
SOOO Next you will be hearing about the new tower I am getting....... May we have 7 good years together.

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