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Monday, September 27, 2004

I got the interview with the inventor on Thursday.. Only I have to find the place... This will of course be interesting...
I will not wear the red dress.... Perhaps the pink church lady dress... We noticed we are getting wide of girth... Its not fair... I barely eat.. ITS going to be tough to get rid of that ass....SUX, because I walk everywhere....OKAY truth be told its not really the ass that's the trouble, its the tummy..... The butt is a bubble butt, not wide but.. You know...MY dear brothers called me bubble butt since I was a small fry.

ahem... Sorry again, I am so open with things...

ANYWAY the reason I prevail is I finally beat XP at its insidious game, it hid a file from me. I FOUND IT... whoo hoooo! (insert happy noises here) I downloaded DEAD MAN"S party, the techno version... Ok, one has too much time on her hands.. It will all end when I am working again, I will be hard to find... Mostly because I will be cruising the Canadian farm land, wishing I was finding my way home.

My son thinks I am funny,he has been laughing so hard he is drooling.

Janelle and I were reminiscing on some of my mothering skills when I was a young mother like she is now....

MOVE IT< OR I will kick you so hard you will be wearing your butt for a hat....

I said that... she is still laughing over twenty years later...

I Was always a good mother.

my approach is being documented today.

SOMETIMES I wish I could go back and be twenty again... living in Montana with my goats and my two beautiful baby girls.... Janelle and I used to ride my bike seven miles into Missoula and have tea at Alice's Restaraunt.

She doesn't remember now.... it was a lifetime ago.

I shall not be sad, this is now, and I have another young child that makes me laugh... sometimes I wish I could have another... but at my age, I would put the baby down and forget where I put him.

blond... and now impending dementia......

Lucky I am still beautiful.. not that it accounts for anything.

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