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Wednesday, September 05, 2007


last night I had to drive to Boise for Psych class, the class runs six to nine PM, and I leave Daine home all by himself

I decided to take him and get him dinner on the way, but it takes nearly an hour to get there,and I was running out of time to get to class, so I gave him twenty bucks and told him to play at the student union building while I was in class

this was a bad idea, all I could do was worry about him

what if he didn't find the sub, what if he got lost or bored, what if someone kidnapped him

class got out early, it was only an hour and a half, so I hurried across campus to go and find him

he was happily playing a video game and had survived all by himself. We walked to the car in the rain and had a McDonald's dinner with the left over quarters, I am glad we had that experience, but I wont do it again, too many things could go wrong.

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