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Sunday, December 09, 2007

You are loosing your marbles

Here we are, digging deep into December. My resolve strengthens, my attitude is improving. Bruce went and bought the boy some presents. I was kinda worried, even though I know that what I got him is probably enough, he gets so little compared to a lot of kids.And yes he gets a lot compared to some children. Why don't we just alleviate Christmas all together?
So the boy is getting books, a used sweatshirt in his favorite color and a digital camera I found on sale at walmart. He will think he has made it to heaven.
He wants to take pictures of everything, he told me he would love a camera so much, I am very pleased with myself. AND the good part, I have kept the secret, he doesn't even know. So that present is from Santa, because Santa works the Christmas magic that my small wonder still believes in.
On December 17th I am having surgery. I am not looking forward to it, but I am very sure its the right thing to do. I will have a less chance of getting cancer with this hysterectomy. I will be laid up a few weeks. Bruce offered to take me to the hospital and stay with me for awhile. I cannot believe how sweet that is. Scott offered to take me home to his house and take care of me. WOW! I of course would never impose on either of them like that.
Terry offered to ravage my body before the operation, I declined. I INFORMED him that I do not go home with every man that summons me.
I would be busier then I wanted to be if I did take people up on their offers to sleep with them.
AS for Al, Oh my goodness what a sweet shy man, I went out with him Friday night. Shy people are so hard to read, but I really liked him. He works graveyard the next few days, I may never find out how he feels about me. ALAS< I seem only to attract the fruits and nuts, the good men seem to shy away from me, perhaps that is telling me something about myself?
I long suspected that I might not be as down to earth and normal as I profess.
However I still crave the attention of a good man, and only one.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Oh girlie.....good luck with your surgery.


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