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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Andy Says

Andy says my eyes are blue. (they're green)
Andy says my dog doesn't look both ways before crossing the street. ( I say use the leash (*($&($&(&@@@PP!!)
Andy says I cooked a good dinner. ( I say thanx for the KFC)
Andy says he better not find a doll in my room that looks like him with pins in its butt. ( I say, "YOU should have listened to me the first time.")
Andy says he needs a place to park all his cars. (I say, it better not have a wash machine on the back porch and a couch in front!)
Andy says Most people mean well, (I say most people show their true colors if you pay attention.)
Andy says You are a walking encyclopedia. ( I say I just know some stuff.)

1 comment:

Janelle smells said...

Andy is throttling the cat

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