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Monday, January 28, 2008

the nature of baby Ava

It was a lovely evening, Andy and I took the kids out for dinner at I-hop. We were supposed to go to the Robbie Burns dinner, but the tickets were sold out.
Andy was sitting next to me, Ava was across the table from him. She stared at him suspiciously most of the meal. Finally the light dawned on her face. She had figured out what Andy was! in a growly bear voice she announced, "Grrrmmmpa" Andy was most dismayed, I was laughing my butt off and trying to get her to say it again. She doesn't usually perform on cue. She said it again and again, I think because she saw Andy's reaction. He tried to tell me he wasn't a grampa yet. However I reminded him, we had adopted him, so he was a grampa after all....

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

That's fabulous!!! Sounds like when we dubbed MIL's boyfriend/now hubby "papa dean".

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