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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Glena of the damned

Ghost whisperer made me cry last night, but it is so dumb. They got rid of several of my favorite characters so they can go to other shows, I guess. The one time professor dude took off to some foreign country, but don't you think he should have been notified that Melinda's husband Jim was accidentally shot and killed, by the distraught cop who was grieving for his beloved step daughter that just recently died of anorexia? and they had a new woman to play Melinda's dead husband's mother, DON'T think we don't notice CBS!! AND, what about all the new characters? I don't even like the stupid side kick that can hear the dead too.
The following previews of next week's show look equally lame. He jumps into the newly dead car wreck casualty and comes back alive as Jim, Melinda's husband, only he has no memory of her. LAME...
Even my son Daine said, "Mom let's don't watch this." It had become a cry fest, only I feel so manipulated, so.. so... Violated.

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