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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Musings of the wicked

I wanted to go to school today, about as much as I wanted to face a firing squad. I was filled with revulsion, anxiety and a certain amount of anticipation for what happens next.
-------Today I headed out into the blistering cold armed with my cellphone (set on stun) my ipod (armed with heavy metal bag pipe music) My warm wool coat and plaid muffler, my half finger gloves and a lunch packed for a long day in captivity. Bring it on! I did not read the assignment.
------Ahh this is just too much fun! There is cough girl, eat stinky food in class girl,there is dirty boots on the back of the chair guy, there's chatty Cathy yes! they are all here. I am here too, with my thick blondish hair wound up in a tight knot on top of my head, my pudgy fingers gripping the pen in anticipation, yes we are all here...and I feel CRANKY.
-----ENTER Geos Professor who sounds surprisingly like Herman Munster.

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