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Monday, May 18, 2009


No results on my final grades yet.
I have a bad feeling anyway. Mental health issues and school don't mix, do they?
I was wondering when this friendship became about you and me, and left being about us?
You are off again, leaving for days at a time, not bothering to call. I know I need to let it all go, we have nothing. I Thought we could build. but there never was any attraction, nor deep rooted respect. I don't like how you deal with things, and I don't like how you act and I mostly don't like the worthless pieces of shit that you cling to.
Cling ons, all of them, looking for an angle or another drug. Useless wastes of air.
I vowed that I would not waste my time on people like that, but you! You wallow in the mud and shit with them, you allow them to bring you down to your level. You think you are lifting them up, you are wrong, they bring you down, and you want them to touch my life? NO I don't think so.
I have made my best effort to take care of you, but you are still a feral cat, and you cannot give back love. You do not love me, or anyone as far as I can tell. I welcome the day when we are finally through. For good, no looking back, I won't look into your soggy blue eyes and feel pity anymore. I have given you my best, you have barely given me anything at all.
It was so hard for you to act civilized and come home at reasonable times, and not keep secret conversations with your ex. GAWD Andyroo, you don't know a good thing when you have it.
I am opinionated as you say, but I am right.
Adios MF your on your own.


Kimmie said...

So....there ya go.

Anything on your grades yet?????

Dusky Dawn said...

TODAY I found out I have an "A" in Social Work, but I got a "D" in Geology.. I am surprised I even got a "D" it was a brutal class.

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