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Monday, November 09, 2009

Well well well, it is what it is.

AND it came as no surprise to me that Michelle the recruiter for Scentsy's temp employees called me Sunday. "This is very hard for me to say Glena...." I saved her the effort. I told her I knew that even though I was trying very hard, I was getting 55 emails out a day, while the kids were getting out 100. It makes more sense to get rid of the slow old farts and get more of those fast newer models. There are two positive things... I wasn't the first to get let go, and I have two weeks of pay coming to me.
Now what to do? I am thinking that I am just incompetent. What am I good at? I dropped out of school and it looks like I cannot go back, and I am unable to find work, or even keep a temp job putting in sales orders and e-mailing customers.
I am not fast, I am not detail orientated, I am not wanted anywhere.
Is there a government program for the over fifty and un-wanted?
On Saturday after working my ass off, I decided to put my pay check in the bank,(all 150 dollars of it) I didn't think that I would be able to do it during banking hours since I don't get home till six-ish. I waited by the night deposit box, and finally I decided that the gentleman getting money out wouldn't mind me putting my check in behind him as I appear harmless enough.
He turned and smiled at me. I don't even know how it came about but we introduced ourselves and he got my phone number and asked me out on a date.
We went to dinner last night and he brought my son home a burger from McDonald's (Big Points) He stayed and watched a movie that he wasn't very interested in. He is very nice.
Daine said,"Do you like him mom?" I said, "Yes I do, he is very nice." Daine said "Thank GOD!" what is that supposed to mean? Thank god why? but he wouldn't explain himself the little shit.

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