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Thursday, January 14, 2010

A different approach

I am still smarting over the "talking to" I had at work yesterday. Especially when they hire people like Goofy who is politically incorrect to the Nth degree. Janelle says, that I have the habit of saying the wrong thing to the people who matter. What I said was, "his parents have a lot to be thankful for." Somehow that translated to, The other kids aren't as special as "HE" is. WEll if you are going to infer things, get ready because I am full of the wrong thing to say, and I will probably do it again.
Not being perfect, and when people pick over every sentence and examine every word, I get even more tense and say even worse things. AND one of my favorite thoughts, "it is what it is." AND If they knew what I was thinking yesterday I would be fired. Thankfully no one can read my thoughts, well, maybe mine just a little bit.
The troubled kid "with issues" I had to take around shopping for three and a half hours wanted to look at guns... and my evil thought was, SURE! Give a retard a gun, this is good stuff here. I Told him that if he bought a gun I would not be able to transport it because it was against policy... SHEESH I was fast on my feet yesterday. He was full of violence yesterday, Talking about killing cats, and shooting people in the knee and defending his family against intruders. I think I am in a bit over my head.Everyone is a stupid asshole and no one knows what they are doing and Obama makes the prices too high at Walmart. Reminds me of someone... That's the paranoia. I do hope they don't ever put him with goofy, that will be the end of civilization as we know it. SIGH>>> Friday I am taking him to the animal shelter to volunteer taking care of CATS, I shudder at the thought.
Goofy set off my aspy kid in December by saying, " I bet Santa didn't come to your house" Chortle Chortle. You cannot kid around with an aspy kid, they take everything at face value and most of them do not joke around. He was told he was good, and he was furious at the inference. He started screaming and kicking. Goofy made it worse by saying, "Crabby today aren't we?" Chortle chortle. I walked my kid away and told him, he was teasing you, of course we know you were good. Calling him Aspy kid is "LABELING" you know, I am sick to death of the social worker mentality that everything is good, and a gift and we are all the same and have something to offer society. I think not. AND kick me for saying it. I think this little guy is going to be a successful adult, and I Think his parents are over reacting by labeling him aspy, because he seems normal to me, a bit spoiled and a bit hyper. Goodness knows what I have had to overcome in my life, and I wasn't labeled and given an old granny to take me shopping twice a week. I would have liked that. Especially if she had taught me math. Today I have Dr. A, which I don't even know what I am going to tell him, I feel like I am on a spiral to hell and there isn't enough time to tell it all in thirty five minutes. Then I see T my aspy kid which I wont' call him that anymore because I might slip. That would be workplace suicide. One wonders why the focus is on me when there are teenage girls there discussing their boy friends and movies in front of their charges, and taking them shopping with their friends and ignoring the kid they are supposed to be helping. LOTS of stuff going on that is far worse then my motor mouth.
AND I don't believe justice will serve itself either.

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