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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Saturday at the Dog Park

Jeez... I must be that odd woman that people shun in public places. We talk to everyone. I was walking with Daine and Sherman at the dog park,first I talked to the young woman who was sitting on the bench letting her dog play. Her dog was waiting at the gate for Sherman, and they ran and rolled and chased each other. It was like her dog knew Sherman was coming. Then I talked to a woman with three dogs. I was walking the loop and another person came around the corner with a beagle mix. I started talking to him. I WASN'T following him. He just happened to be going the same way Daine and I were going with Sherman. After a few minutes, he said, "Well I am off now." and gave me a nervous look. I didn't think anything of it and continued on my walk with the kid and dog. Then I noticed he was still in the park and shooting me concerned glances like apparently he thought I was following him. What a dip stick! He wasn't even hot, but he must have thought he was. I was so embarrassed, I didn't get that he was avoiding me. What the hell!
I told my daughter about it, I was really bugged, I thought suddenly is this how people see me? Do I think I am friendly and they think I am odd? She said, "hmm we talk to everyone when we walk the dogs." Enough time spent on this, he just didn't get the friendliness rule I guess. It will still make me stop and think before I talk to people anymore. I have had people run from me before. Usually I was carrying a religious track...hee hee


Anonymous said...

Hey sis~
You should live in the South! Everyone talks to everybody and you are considered odd if you don't!
You are just a naturally friendly person. The man sounded like he was a bit paranoid. Maybe he thought you were an undercover cop! hehe!
Love the part about you chasing people around with tracts! :~D

Dusky Dawn said...

Our roots are from the south, my mother never met a stranger.
Idaho is generally friendly as well. I think he had Nevada Plates, explains all.Many of the men in Nevada think they are somehow the chosen species. They are not!

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